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Version Control, Git, and GitHub Knowledge

1. You are probably wondering what Version Control is and why is it so beneficial and powerful. Well first off, version control is the task of keeping a software system consisting many versions and configurations organized, so multiple people can work on it at the same time without interrupting each other. Why is this beneficial you ask? Well some benefits of version control are that it helps with collaboration. Version control systems (VCS) can let everyone on a team work freely on any file at anytime. Which means we can all be working on the same project but what we do won’t affect each other’s work. When each person on the team is done, they can merge their work all back to the master copy and that’s where the change will take effect and be saved. Till you merge it, you are still working out of your own personal copy. Another reason why VCS are beneficial is that you can store and restore any past copies of your project. This means you can always get your work back if you need to, it will never be deleted but rather stored in away incase you needed to call upon it once more! VCS can also back up your work, for example GitHub is a VCS cloud space that allows you to upload projects, clone them, work on them, and then save it back. This way if you ever forget or lose your computer, you can just go onto GitHub, download your project and start working. These are some of the few benefits of Version Control, it really makes life a lot easier!

2. How Git helps you keep track of changes is by remembering your files are in two different states, tracked or untracked. When your file is tracked they are saved in the last snapshot. When they are untracked, this means these are files that are being worked on and not save in the last snap shot. After you clone a repository and you check it out and start working on your own copy. Everything you will be adding from here will be untracked until you “git add”, “git commit”, and “git push” it back to the master copy. When you do that, Git will create a snapshot of your “push” thus, it creates another period in the timeline with the copy you just sent up. Now, your work is tracked! Be careful because if you forget to “git add”, “git commit”, and “git push” and you don’t save your work you will lose it, then the snapshot will not be created.

3. There are many reasons why GitHub is the most popular and you are probably asking why use GitHub to store your code? Well first off, GitHub is a version control system, meaning everything stored on GitHub is stored in Git. We should by know how powerful and beneficial version control is, it allows you to make changes and mistake without it affecting the master copy of the project. GitHub allows you to store your code in one place, meaning you can download a copy of your repository from any computer and start working on it anywhere. Lastly, GitHub allows you to collaborate on your project with anyone, all you have to do is send them a link and they can clone your project, this way they can add/help/or edit without affecting your master copy. With all these benefits of GitHub it really attracts a lot of people to use GitHub to store their code.